Tammy Borden Bio
Tammy Borden is a professional copywriter turned novelist, compelled to document the unforgettable story of her mother’s life growing up in Nazi Germany. Released in summer 2023, her debut novel, Waltraud: A True Story of Growing Up in Nazi Germany, rose to become a #1 Best Seller on Amazon* and has captured the hearts and minds of readers around the world.
As a first generation American, Tammy grew up hearing stories from her mother about coming of age during World War II, and began recording them more than a decade ago, even traveling with her mother to Germany to walk the cobblestone streets and document stories in their actual settings. Now, those heart-gripping stories of love, loss, strength, and resistance have been artfully woven into a narrative that allows readers to step into Waltraud's remarkable journey as an intimate observer.
Tammy also released a memoir in 2016, A Perennial Life — Finding Purpose in Every Season. It shares her own journey to find herself after a life-threatening eating disorder. This faith-based publication encourages those who struggle with addiction, self-harm, bulimia, anorexia, and other behavioral addictions.
*#1 in Historical German Biographies
A True Story of Growing Up in Nazi Germany
Based on true events, this unforgettable story takes readers through an unimaginable time in history, catapulting them back in time to experience the sights and sounds of Germany, and pulling back the curtain to envision life during Hitler's reign.
The author's in-depth research combined with her mother's vivid memories make this compelling novel both historically accurate and incredibly moving, spanning from 1937 at age 10 to post-war Germany. Grow up with Waltraud as she transitions from the innocence of childhood into the harsh realities of war and beyond. The stories are told from Waltraud's perspective to create the sense she is sharing them with the reader much like she shared them with the author, her daughter.
General Information
Price: $14.99 Paperback | $5.99 Kindle
Available on Amazon and at select retailers

A true story of love, loss, strength, and resistance through the eyes of an ordinary German girl turned courageous young woman named Waltraud.
The Nazis tried to break her. But her very name means strength.
Germany 1937. Waltraud’s life in her small German village is heartwarmingly simple yet fraught with uncertainty as Nazi ideologies grow ever more radical. Then, war. Her beloved father is forced into Hitler's army and she must cope with the battles raging on her homeland’s soil and in her heart as her family is torn apart.
Bombings, hunger, and gut-wrenching horrors bring Waltraud to the edge of defeat. But she promised her father she’d be strong and daringly resists the Nazis by keeping a treasonous secret. Heartache persists when the war ends, but the love of a young man with a dark past holds the promise of a better future. To secure it, she must cross forbidden borders. Can Waltraud leave her haunting past behind and take hold of the life she’s dreamed of, or will she lose everything trying?
Engaging and evocative, Waltraud: A True Story of Growing Up in Nazi Germany captures in vivid detail what life was like during World War II as a German citizen—the indoctrination, fear, and profound loss. Follow Waltraud’s journey of courage and resilience in this captivating true story of hope and survival.
Peter L.—Amazon Review
"...an underrepresented perspective in WWII history: an ordinary girl who is caught up in forces beyond her control as Hitler's war affects every part of her life. And knowing that it's not fiction, but the true account of a real person is sobering and inspiring."
Whitton—Amazon Review
"It is brilliantly written; I often felt transported, almost like I was there, in a country I’ve never been to in an era I didn’t exist in as I took in the sights and sounds and smells and experiences right alongside Waltraud. I haven’t stopped thinking about her story even after turning the last page earlier this week. What a beautiful tribute."
Lisa—Amazon Review
"There were so many moments in the story that took my breath away. The horror and tragedies of war and cruelty and death, along with the hope of young love and fresh beginnings. This book was so well written, I felt like I was right there with Waltraud and her family. Great story!"